Monday, January 7, 2008

skinny tards

are you joking me? someone really said this? and people are making money off of the 'innovative' idea that a vegan diet will make you drop some serious ell-bees? new york times profiles the authors of the apparently phenominally well-selling books 'skinny bitch' and its follow up cook book. both books tout veganism as a beneficial diet choice and have such illuminous readers as "Kimberly Latham, a fashion publicist in New York, (who) said: “I would never have read ‘The Omnivore’s Dilemma.’ I’m not even sure I know what an omnivore is. But I know what a skinny bitch is, and I know I want to be one.”" the authors scare the readers off of eating animal products because 'like duh they're icky' though, common sense begs to assert itself that if one eliminates SEVERAL food groups from their daily diet, whether they be grains, carbs, sugars, meat, dairy et al. you will drop some weight in a fucking hurry. also, how is it appropriate to enlist women and/or men in a diet of veganism to firstly reap its body slimming benefits and only secondly address animal rights concerns? shouldn't PETA be throwing red paint on someone involved here for the trending out of vanity fueled animal cruelty awareness? maybe they should all just, i don't know, read a real book like THE JUNGLE for example? Upton Sinclair was no skinny bitch, but at least he stayed away from such fine prose as “‘Chicken’ Noodle Soup: Just like Mom used to make — minus the pieces of decomposing, rotting chicken carcass.” ugh whatever, this exasperated vegan needs a beer and a nap with her kitties.

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