This fine FIT studying fellow lists interest as 'like clothes. all the time', using 'frenglish' like the oh so nouveux fashion appropriated word 'outre', and using abbreviated fashion speak. Oh, you blue collar proles are unaware what I mean? Let me school you. Mssr. Kane here refers to illuminated designers by their first names, surely he and Karl have sat down and had an intimate lunch of non-food, dreamily staring into each others eyes, and pushing their 400 ipods around the cafe table. He also is far too harried to say such lengthly phrases as Conde Nast, so he abbreviates it to 4TS, that is the location of the building, he has probably been there and wants you to know this. Do not fret! He is just like you and me! He, charitably, only thinks about clothes for others, not himself. When dressing he only does so to clothe himself, though judging by the photo, NYmag left out 'only to clothe myself...like a deleted extra from the chinese dvd$1bootleg copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High'. It's no small wonder that FIT continually accepts and displays to the public such fine, grateful, and obviously entitled humans, to brighten our dreary casual-sportswear-garbed lives.
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