An article from NYmag on how to hire a celeb stylist. Which also takes a stab at Amanda Bynes and Sarah Jessica Parker designing lines for discount retailer Steve & Barry's
A few gems:
"Amanda; simply saying you want to move to New York because it's chic (and while your roots are showing) does not make you qualified to design good pants."
"Just because Patricia Field can stuff Carrie Bradshaw in something avant-garde doesn't mean Sarah Jessica Parker knows what she's talking about in real life. There’s a big difference between being able to pick out a pretty dress (or having a pink-haired crone do it for you), and being able to design one."
I, personally, love this. Especially after SJP said her clothes were going to be for 'real women..who need to decide how to pay the electric bill and look good'. SJP is from Nelsonville, Ohio. For those of you who have never paid a visit, the only thing worth while there is a boot factory. Also, in order to make these 'celeb-designed' lines as chic as their creators desire, but still fit into the mandated $9.99-$19.99 retail price range, a lot of quality and construction will have to be sacrified that or they will alllll be made of cotton jersey. I can't wait to see what comes from this. In a schadenfreude sort of way.
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