GAULTIER HERMES SHADOW BIRKIN!!!I would seriously reconsider buying a car if i could have this bag... ($11,000) that and if i had the patience to wait through the next ice age that will be the waiting list.
Jez covered/photo galleried Bambino fashion week yesterday and while all coverage is to be taken with a grain of salt, I am kind of salty that instead of being psyched that whats 'new' and emerging in kids wear (and will thus filter down into mass markets within the beginning of next year) is restrained and NOT baby-skank. In the photo comments, Jez Editor Sadie poo-poo'ed the pepita's outfits for referencing nostalgia and GASP CHILDS PLAY! Well, since children, and parents of mass consumers reference their peers shouldn't we be GLAD that the general fashion vibe is that of classic shapes, light heartedness, fun and is thankfully devoid of glitter, glitter mid-rifts, and glitter words across the ass? And seriously which would you rather dress your child in?
Van B sez on sezzy bears: "It’s not just “bears,” actually. There are a lot of different types. If you’re in the scene, there are the grizzlies—the dark ones—and the cubs—the young ones. There are also otters. But it’s also a very positive scene. It’s not about drugs. It’s not about aggression. It’s not only about sex. There are cuddly sides to it that I like—stuff like reunions, where everyone’s just eating and drinking and talking. It’s a nice vibe."
so! not only is Van Beirendonck mentor to the spastic fantastic Bernard Wilhelm BUT he is a fan of rituals and bears!The interview also inclines info about Van Beirendonck casting moddle bears for his next show, dressing Robin Williams, and S&M.
CHARM SCHOOL GIRLS(vh1 mondays) ARE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE! Their character building skill this week was to board up windows and collect used rat traps in a haunted building. When K.O. and Marcia are busying themselves boarding up a broken window and hear a spooky noise they respond like any Charm School contestant and start screaming 'FUCK YOU BITCH'...apparently directed at the ghost. These ladies are good enough just the way they are, without the meddlin' of Madam R. Lake. Keep reachin' for those stars(dollar signs)!
july W! fashion content! for real! no jokes! the bikini ready mag profiles 12 up and coming (well, up and coming for the pages of W, cushnie & ochs and the lake and stars have been around just not hyper-exploded like an alexander wang) and has a comically written article about gloria vanderbilt's erotic mini-novel (did you know, she is anderson coopers mom? you do now) also, all of the ads being pulled makes for a light, improved read that relies on content-shock!-and not 40milli make up ads. kudoos W.
Jez's Anna N (the grande dame) writes on a WSJ piece regarding what appears to be the spate of dark YA novellas (wintergirls, if i stay, hunger games are cited) and makes great assertations in response to the OG WSJ. What neither article touches on however, is that teens today, on the whole are BUYING TRUCK LOADS OF SHIT all by themselves. Not to mention, are a viable market for despondent, weepy, crushing paperbacks that mirror the tumultuous vortex of suck called 'being a teen'.
When I was a teen, I had no income source of my own and had to get clearance to buy anything off the internet from my mom and use her card, meaning, i could not buy half, nay 1/32, the illicit shit i was reading/pining for. Au contraire, ma souer, has her own job, her own cash account, her own computer, and frankly more money in her checking account than yours truely. If i had those means at that age my bookshelf would be far more stacked and the Appalachian county library wouldn't have been half as creeped out by my requests.
Both articles point out that there is nothing wrong with writing/posing novels to teens with what an adult my perceive as risque material and both point out that teens aren't idiots; they know that shit sucks, why wouldn't they, they are teens. I am just glad that (a) more compelling books are being put on the market (i'll fucking read the shit out of wintergirls) and (b) that those lay-about kids are readin' at all.
jez's tati.anon.moddle reports that margiela the person may be outro from margiela the brand! !!! let me re-iterate. !!!this may explain why last season was a critically panned as a re-hash of 'greatest hits'. tati nails it with "But the Italian conglomerate's(new-parent brand: diesel) advertising-drenched culture is at odds with Margiela's studied, blank, anti-individualist ethos."rumor has it that raf simons, fellow anterp-ian. both are noted alumnus of antwerps royal academy of fine arts, which is kind of a HUGE FUCKING DEAL; royal academy of fine arts and eindhoven are to fashion and design what pratt and parson are (percieved to be) in the US. sum up. i hate diesel. i DIE for margiela. though i aint hatin' at him leavin' (if thats what he did infact do) no one likes to have their lifelong ethos meddled with, increased sales or no. in other MM ligne 22 news. someone buy me these!
fuck you jeffrey campbell shoes! i know, have known, how you knock off designer shoes for urban but! snaking ACNE! INCONCEIVABLE! this seasons "asti" are last seasons "niara" i am pissed cause i have the OG and now every tweedly teen is gonna be tryna cop my shit. to console myself i need to get the new "stroll low" to replace my old "stroll hi"'s. lammeeeeeee. (imgs: top left: jeffrey campbell "asti"; top right: ACNE "niara"; bottom: ACNE 'stroll low")
i was (so what so what) so kindly visually compared to the hottest les-tres-biens in telepathe on friday. dieeeee. this vid is so decadent! break ins! marshmellows! killer dance moves! jezuz crips i hope they come to a town/bedroom near me!
"The world's been one big dick-swinging contest, and we've caught our collective glans in a nearby desk fan"
lolz peen joke. anywho!
EVERNOTE! every iNerd needs it. it syncs all your TOTES IMPORTANT musings, ruminations, ramblings, and erudite to-dos (like TO DO! BONDAGE SWEATER NEED! LOAFERS! PURGE DUST AND CLUTTER!)with your computer and desktop; no docking required only air wavveezz. and also has voice recognition so as you are speeding past a statie you can remind yourself to pay your ticket with a money order so your sig-other doesnt see you got caught. again.