Monday, September 1, 2008

Disgust and laughter: down by da beach

I thought waking up to the sounds of waves, labor day sunshine and the fifty pound fall fashion issue if W would be a good goodbye to summer and hello to fall. Little did I know that ten-ish pages into the actual articles (which start a good 100pages past the ads), I would be near vomiting from the overtly cloying article on the nonsense that is San francisco academy of art. I am typing this from my phone-that's how much I think you need to know about this-so instead of going into great detail I am going to bullet point the offenses:
-an instructor saying graffiti started in the west coasts-knowlege much?
-it is a for profit private school with open enrollment
-those c-mdumpsters (sorry mom) from the hills tv show went there, but atleast they dropped out
-an instructor defensively prefacing herself with "I've written two books on illustration" chill, if you were confident in your former students work you wouldn't have to freak on yourself so hard
-full sports program; what? That makes no sense
And the two biggest crimes
-Saying "we can teach good taste...we can teach anyone to be am artist"
-followed by an ADVERTISEMENT to enroll at the school a scant 25 pages after the article

How much did that school just PAY to give themselves a better image? Hard work and actual design acheivemet is so last season

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