Thursday, January 22, 2009

russian orange juice heiress update

via jezebel via Russia! magazine: Apparently, the Kira Plastinina firm is now in bankruptcy court owing over 54MILLLLLLLION dollars and ousted all of their employees. I am betting this is going to put a little cinch in papa plastinin's orange fueled purse. Something tells me that this will be in the don't column of 'potential business models'. I am not going to harp anymore on a child, she has had enough ridicule, but whom of her handlers thought this would be a good idea? Opening up a new spate of tweeny boutiques (at the time of) what was foreshadowed to be a very large economic downturn. However, I am glad that Americans somewhat proved that they are not succeptible to whatever just happens to be newsest, hottest, it-est, any more. Good for us, bad for others, apparently.

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