Tuesday, February 3, 2009

on the shoe horn

Recently, economic experts have been trying to determine what consumer product category is "recession proof". Firstly, I am so glad they are doing this and not something that might actually be productive outside of newsprint fodder. Secondly, no doye. Yeah, people need to cover their feet and especially since people tend to use shoes frequently and are perhaps, due to monetary restraint, using their cars less, shoes would appear to be a practical purchase. Though, the always loveable NYmag informs that the sub sector of shoes to have bogglingly positive growth is, dun dun dunnnnn, UGGS. Like 57% sales growth from last year. For the love of all that is (design) holy, will people please, PLEASE stop wearing/purchasing these monstrocities. Their trend cycle, by all reasonable accounts, should have crested and faded into oblivion YEARS AGO. But instead now our millenial time period will be remembered on 'blast-from-the-past' compilation shows as the generation whose brain was eaten by an australian SLIPPER company. THEY ARE SLIPPERS. NOT FOR OUTDOOR USE. My only consolation is the news that Victoria's Secret stock is falling, making for less PINK sweatpants to be stuffed inside the sheepskin socks that are masquerading as footwear and giving me recurring sartorial nightmares.

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